Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In my opinion,Dolphus Raymond represents the people in society who disagree with it's practices but find themselves comprimising to its invisible perimeters.
Dolphus Raymond could've been not only financially weathly but also emotionally wealthy if not for the unhappiness and bitterness he lives with due to the racial prejudice he witnesses.In wanting to make life easier for himself,he decides to pretend to be a drunkard.In this way,he would have a logical explaination for his behaviour.
However,to say that he is in emotional poverty is inaccurate.He still holds a sense of justice in the midst of a climate saturated with evil.This proves that he has a strong set of morals which depicts his choice to defy social mandates by refusing to live with the whites and instead live with a black woman(the victim)to further aggravate the whites anger against him for breaking social rules.To sacrifice his reputation in the white community and possibily severe ties with his fellow whites in return for living in an isolated life implies that he is emotionally rich in the sense that the good in him prevailed albeit the huge consequence he has to face.
These people that Dolphus Raymond represent can also be incredibly jaded in the incessant face of adversity they encounter.When confronted with such evil on a daily basis,it is difficult for one to mantain hope that good will prevail.This can account for Dolphus Raymond's reluctance to openly violate the social norms as he thinks that regardless of what he does,the evil would still vanquish the good.
It is sad to live the way he does.To not only feel indignant against the cruelty you see but to also find it impossible to put an end to to it because you feel it is easier to simply pretend when you know it won't salvage the situation,only to become jaded to a lost cause.
To wake up everyday,greeted by a lover you're suppose to love/learn to love,masquerading in the midst of people who were supposed to be your own only to be treated with disdain and pity and to be constantly misunderstood and treated with great wariness will definietly take a toll on a person.On top of these,to live an isolated life would equate to a depressing one because you would not have anyone to share your feelings with.Thus this can attribute to the fact that he was so eager in sharing his thoughts at the moment he heard Dill(who emphasizes with him)complained he felt sick at the sight of blatant racism that strips one of respect.
Such people are in a way mockingbirds because their sense of hope and belief in a better world has been destroyed by the cruelty they see.They only react to such adversities instead of taking a strong stand to vehemently disagree with such practices(aka Atticus Finch).This leaves them vunerable to the strings of situations,jerking them to the way it deems fit like puppets.
Although Dolphus Raymond is a minor character in To Kill A Mockingbird,he epitomizes people extremely jaded by the harshness of reality,blowing out hope for a better world.

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