Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In my opinion,Dolphus Raymond represents the people in society who disagree with it's practices but find themselves comprimising to its invisible perimeters.
Dolphus Raymond could've been not only financially weathly but also emotionally wealthy if not for the unhappiness and bitterness he lives with due to the racial prejudice he witnesses.In wanting to make life easier for himself,he decides to pretend to be a drunkard.In this way,he would have a logical explaination for his behaviour.
However,to say that he is in emotional poverty is inaccurate.He still holds a sense of justice in the midst of a climate saturated with evil.This proves that he has a strong set of morals which depicts his choice to defy social mandates by refusing to live with the whites and instead live with a black woman(the victim)to further aggravate the whites anger against him for breaking social rules.To sacrifice his reputation in the white community and possibily severe ties with his fellow whites in return for living in an isolated life implies that he is emotionally rich in the sense that the good in him prevailed albeit the huge consequence he has to face.
These people that Dolphus Raymond represent can also be incredibly jaded in the incessant face of adversity they encounter.When confronted with such evil on a daily basis,it is difficult for one to mantain hope that good will prevail.This can account for Dolphus Raymond's reluctance to openly violate the social norms as he thinks that regardless of what he does,the evil would still vanquish the good.
It is sad to live the way he does.To not only feel indignant against the cruelty you see but to also find it impossible to put an end to to it because you feel it is easier to simply pretend when you know it won't salvage the situation,only to become jaded to a lost cause.
To wake up everyday,greeted by a lover you're suppose to love/learn to love,masquerading in the midst of people who were supposed to be your own only to be treated with disdain and pity and to be constantly misunderstood and treated with great wariness will definietly take a toll on a person.On top of these,to live an isolated life would equate to a depressing one because you would not have anyone to share your feelings with.Thus this can attribute to the fact that he was so eager in sharing his thoughts at the moment he heard Dill(who emphasizes with him)complained he felt sick at the sight of blatant racism that strips one of respect.
Such people are in a way mockingbirds because their sense of hope and belief in a better world has been destroyed by the cruelty they see.They only react to such adversities instead of taking a strong stand to vehemently disagree with such practices(aka Atticus Finch).This leaves them vunerable to the strings of situations,jerking them to the way it deems fit like puppets.
Although Dolphus Raymond is a minor character in To Kill A Mockingbird,he epitomizes people extremely jaded by the harshness of reality,blowing out hope for a better world.

chapter 19-20

The first encounter the children(Scount and Dill)had with Dolphus Raymond was when Dill-shocked and indignant at Mr Gilmer's harsh words and condescending tone towards Tom Robinson-cried.Scout brought him out for a breather.It was under the shade of the trees that they met Dolphus Raymond.

Dill exhaled patiently.'I know all that,Scout.It was the way he said it made me sick,plain sick.'
'I know what you mean,boy,'
It belonged to Mr Dolphus Raymond.
'You aren't thin-hided,it just makes you sick,doesn't it?'
Excerpt from pages 219-220

From this excerpt it is obvious that Dolphus Raymond is not a racist.Instead,he is against racial predjudice.He can't endure it because it made him 'plain sick'.

Scout,wary of Dolphus Raymond(an infamous wealthy merchant and drunkard),warned Dill when he sipped the drink Dolphus Raymond offered to calm him.Scout,sure that he was 'evidently taking delight in corrupting a child' was suprised when she learnt that all Dolphus Raymond drank from his sack was Coca-Cola instead of beer.When the children knew the truth about Dolphus Raymond's prefered choice of fluid,he asked them to keep it a secret,fearing that it would ruin his reputation.'You little folks won't tell on me now,would you?It'd ruin my reputation if you did.'(pg221)

From this,it is observed that Dolphus Raymond has a reputation which was shrouded by rumours.However the revelation of him not being an alcoholic proved these rumours false.Also from this,we can tell that Dolphus Raymond has a kind heart as he offered to quell Dill's trauma by presenting him with Coca-Cola.By conciously revealing his secret to the children illustrates his trust in them as he felt a sense of connection with the children because they were able to empathise with him.'I know what you mean boy,'(pg220)

Later,Dolphus Raymond tells them why he pretends to be like he is.'Why do you do like you do?'(pg221)He replied 'I try to give em' a reason,you see.It helps folks if they can latch on to a reason...folks can say Dolphus Raymond is in the clutches of whiskey-thats why he won't change his ways.He can't help himself,thats why he lives the way he does.'(pg221)

From this it can be seen that Dolphus Raymond doesn't integrate well into the social borders of Maycomb.Thus he refuses to live with them,instead he chooses to 'live the way he does',giving people the impression that he is a drunkard even though he knew it would result in rumours and different treatment from people.Although he cannot stand the injustice that wrecks Maycomb,he fails to 'rescue' the victims(blacks)by adopting the role of their 'hero' by openly standing up to the racial prejudice(aka Atticus Finch).
Instead,he chooses to create a personality that is synomynous with drunkardness and incoherence to escape from the injustice and evil he witnesses.This suggests that although he hates racism,he does not have enough courage and/or is simply jaded to do anything about it.
The only form of his disapproval of the racism in Maycomb is in the form of his rebellious streak when he chooses to defy social norms(cohabitating with a black woman)in the black community.'...they could never,never understand that I live like I do because thats the way I want to live.'(pg221)

In his acknowledgement that Dill cried, he noted ' Things haven't caught up with that ones instinct yet.Let him get alittle older and he won't get sick and cry.'(pg222) Later,he told Scout that 'you haven't seen enough of the world yet.'(pg222)

From his confidence that Dill 'won't get sick and cry' when he is older suggests that Dolphus Raymond had gone through what Dill just went through.Shocked and indignant with how the whites imperiously treat the blacks,he must have felt disgusted and expressed sadness at their attitude towards them.
However,he must've realised that being sick and crying won't remedy the predicament.Thus he had given up on evincing his emotions towards such evil.
His remark on Dill not getting sick and crying when hes older shows that Dolphus Raymond has endured such cruel practices for a long time till he is used to them to the extent that he would be able to control his emotions although he is fervently against it.
In his response to Scout,he expresses how he has become jaded over the years.It shows he views the world as evil and cruel.In becoming cynical after constantly witnessing the corruption in the world and losing all hope in the good that is still in it(evident in Atticus's fight against racism in his defence of Tom Robinson,Mrs Dubose courage in her battle against her morphine addiction,etc), he is stripped off his happiness and joy as all he sees around him is evil.
Thus in this light,Dolphus Raymond is a mockingbird as he simply reacts to his surroundings,'echoing' and 'imitating' after observing the horrible things that took place by sacrificing his joy and weaving a whole new personna that enables people to misunderstand him and breaks his comfort zone.
He is also a figure who is destroyed by the callousness of the world,resulting in him being vunerable,exposed to the perils of unhappiness,bitter and resentment.The consequences he has to face.
'Shoot all the bluejays you want,if you can hit em,but remember its a sin to kill a mockingbird.'
In this case,it'd be easy to kill Dolphus Raymond aka the mockingbird as he is defenceless in the cruely of the world,marred by the hatred and prejudiced he feels.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

In the privacy of your horse drawn carriage,you take out a dollar bill.You look around to make sure no one is intruding into your world,then you hold it infront of your nose and sniff the crisp emerald note.As the fragrance of wealth blankets upon your senses,you think "God bless those poor souls at Wall Street,".Later,you put it back,surreptiously prowling for audiences to see your act.Ah,you spot a few strangers,expressing bewilderment at your mental instability."Good,"you think.

Now,you glance at last week's headline.It intrigues you so you pick it up and commence poring over the article by Harrold Davidson again.It breaks your heart.It cringes and hurts."Death!Death!Death!"It booms in your ears."God bless Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson," mutters you under your breath.

Now,you feel a pang of guilt.You see,you've felt it before,this sense of guilt.

Remember the day you strolled past the alley?Remember how you walked away from Derek Smith's screams?Remember how you witnessed Elliot Winconstin-that bloody white monster-assaulting him?How he relished in raining punches onto that poor fellow's petrified face?How he sneered at Derek Smith's beg for mercy?You stood there for what seemed like eternity and saw his battered face,his tear stained eyes as that savage beast made him plead.He begged.He beat.He cried.He smiled as he admired his work of art-cold crimson blood tricking down that black's pale lips,the uneven colour tone of his face,the shades of an intangible sense of fear and resignment of his beating pulse and splashes of that poor son's shrill sobs depicting his sorry plight-and laughed.

Rage diffused into your bloodstream,sparking fiery indignance as you cursed those twisted fools.Repugnant! Soon,you feel sick.It feels like you've consumed curd that wraps around your stomach,extending its claws against,your organ leaving behind a trail of putrid mush in its path of destruction.However,you failed to stop this despicable crime.Because I'm a white.Because I'm a white.Because I'm a white.Because I'm a white.Because I'm a coward.Because I just am.

Later,you drown your sorrow and overwhelming guilt-it eats into your very conscience,digesting your last bits of sanity and innocence-Did I have one in the first place?-in gulps of Moors Beer.The bitter taste of alcohol trickles down your throat,like how you trickle down into pity's oesophagus.I pity myself for feeling this way.It tastes horrible.

You weren't like that.Once,indignation burned in your soul,it was embedded in your heart.You love these people.You felt resentment towards your own(heh,were they even my own?).Now,you're just this piece of worn out garment,discarded into the trash bin.You were once so pretty.Ladies swooned over your intricate embellishments parted with stacks of cash because your cut embraced their curves and flaunted their shapely limbs.Their husbands moaned at the ache that tugs at their pockets,you were worth so much,pretty piece of garment.Secretly,they enjoyed seeing their wives in such beautiful pieces.They loved it too.You were once like that,remember?

The carriage pulls to a halt.Edward Culen,your driver,informs you that you've reached the court.Sir,we've reached already.He clambers down his seat to open the door for you.Here you go sir.You smile in return,grateful for his effort.Here you go sir.I'll be waiting for you here,sir.

Immediately,you're assailed by interminable flashes of cameras and cries of "Look here!Look here!" "Reporters",you sigh.Mr Raymond,what do you think of this?Here Mr Raymond,sir,what say you?Good day Mr Raymond,what do you think of the current financial state?Will it improve? The smell of perspiration and bacon aggravates the receptors in your nose.You sneeze.All you can see is an undulating wave of people,massive crowds thronging the area,people crammed like sardines as the square burst with a myriad of faces.On the left,you see the blacks(friends!),keeping to themselves,failing to respond to the demeaning remarks by the whites(my people). On the right,you see the whites with their immaculate hair,polished shoes and synthetic smiles as well as concerned faces of the well-meaning folks.

Papa!Papa!Your daughter runs into your arms.You hug her,glad that she still retains her blissful state of ignorance.You spot your Christine waving frantically at you with her taut arms.(She still looks so pretty. Her smile defies description.She was your only way of escape.So you went that way.)You held your Jessie's tiny hand in yours as you walked together towards the left,promising her ice-cream after this boring long speech by sleepy Mr Taylor.

Christine reunites with her daughter.Now,you get ready to enter the court.

You step in.Your insides tingle as anticipation boils in you.You take your seat.You see Judge Taylor with his white wig and long robe.He bangs his gravel.

Court is commenced.
Maycomb Tribune
Harrold Davison
4 july 1932
It has been reported that a black,Tom Robinson, raped twenty year old Mayella Violet Ewell,daughter of Bob Ewell.This case will be fought in the Maycomb Town Courthouse next week. According to law 410,exhibition of carnal knowledge will be condemned to death.If found guilty,Tom Robinson will die.
"Yessum,that black did me,"whimpered Mayella Violet Ewell.This was all she could say when asked about the rape.However,Bob Ewell,father of the victim,was able to keep his bearings right admidst this trying time.In a statement released to the press,he said,"All those scoundrels,huh.Their mama ain't got no brains to teach em' to stay away from whites' chillun?I'll show them who da boss is!"
"Yes,I will be defending him.Tom Robinson will be innocent till found guilty."declared Atticus Finch,lawyer for Tom Robinson.When this reporter asked why he chose to defend a black,Mr Finch pithily replied "I'm colour blind."What a strange answer to a simple question,but nevertheless,we folks hope he knows what he is doing.On the otherhand,Mr Roy Gilmmer will be defending Mayella Ewell.In a statement released to the press,he divulged that he was "confident of winning this case."
Tom Robinson was unable to be reached for comment.
Let justice prevail and let Maycomb be rid of such ghastly profanities!